domingo, 10 de junio de 2018

Powerful Girl

Powerful Girl

Resultado de imagen para la poderosa mujer do bong soon dibujos
In the country of North Korea, there lived a girl named Emma, she was a girl of low stature, for many she was a sensitive and helpless girl. She loves going through the streets of Seoul with her bicycle and also stopping in some restaurants to eat noodles. She lived together with her parents and with her twin brother. She kept a secret, which, so for many, she was someone weird. Her secret was that she possessed  super strength, an imaginable force, for many to see that someone so defenseless possessed such great power was amazing. The only ones who knew about her secret was her family and also she knew that she could lose her powers when she hit a defenseless person, the minimum mistake could make her lose her powers. But one day everything changed for Emma. Like every morning, Emma walked back to her house when a bus was on the verge of falling into the river. Emma did not know what to do to save them. But I was afraid of being discovered.Resultado de imagen para la poderosa mujer do bong soon dibujosIn the bus many people shouted and were afraid, the brakes of the bus had been damaged, the driver did not know what to do, but suddenly the bus stopped, everyone was surprised to see that. Harry, one of the people who were on the bus, got up from the ground and when he looked back he saw a girl who was walking away quickly, He was amazed a lot because she could not believe that a girl could stop a bus that was ready to fall into the river. The bass of the car and he followed she.

Harry was a well-known person, he was the owner of a well-known video game company, but lately he has been receiving threats from another person, he received threatening calls telling him to give him his company that did not belong to him and also one day someone had chased him. Seeing that Emma had super powers came up with a great idea. He would contract Emma as her bodyguard.
When he met Emma, he greeted her and told her he knew about his secret. She begged him not to tell anyone, she was very nervous, so Harry told him his great idea, she at first doubt a lot about all this, but I accept. The days passed and for Emma this work was exhausting because she did not know that she would have to load all things that 
Harry buy.
Resultado de imagen para la poderosa mujer do bong soon dibujosOne day Emma and Harry were in the park, they was talking about  when Emma will managed to catch whoever threatened Harry, he would hire her as an employee of his company and let her create her own game. But something happened, suddenly somebody shot them, they ran quickly to take refuge behind a tree. They calmed down a little but a bullet managed to pierce Harry's arm, he fell to the ground. Emma was very scared and she was very nervous that something happened to his, so she lifted and carried him in his arms and put it in the car, to be able to heal her arm.Resultado de imagen para la poderosa mujer do bong soon dibujosMany people were amazed at that act and Harry simply saw her face. He began to fall in love with Emma. When she was already in the car, she took him home and managed to get the bullet out and the wound healed. They both looked at each other. Both had fallen in love.
Resultado de imagen para la poderosa mujer do bong soon dibujosBoth began to get to know each other better and Emma's mother seeing that her daughter was already in love felt very happy. But they still did not find the person who had been threatening Harry until one day he quote Harry to talk to him and make an agreement, Harry went along with Emma and being this place was quickly attacked by people who worked with him. It turned out that who was threatening Harry was his uncle. He wanted the company that belonged to the family but he was unable to snatch it. When seeing the uncle of Harry everything what it happened, fled, was astonished to see fight to Emma and to defeat a great group of people, who were too strong and she jat first sight seemed somebody defenseless.
Harry's uncle wanted to take revenge on everything that had happened, he found a lot of information about Emma's power, and realized that she would lose her power if she hit an innocent person. However, he planned to use a person as a decoy for her to lose all her powers and thus attack her and make Harry surrender and give him everything he had. He had noticed that Harry loved Emma, so that would be his weapon against him.

And so it was, Harry's uncle cited Emma in an abandoned construction. He threatened her telling her that if she did not come alone, she would kill Harry and she did not want that to happen. Then, the first who approached her was a person who did not want to hurt her, but she was very nervous, she hit him and from the darkness came Harry's uncle laughing a lot because of what happened. Imagen relacionadaShe did not know what was happening, she wanted to defend herself, but her powers were gone.
As much as she tried to hit him, she could not, she felt very weak, she was very tired and afraid, and she did not know what to do. But suddenly Harry arrived, he shouted to be released to Emma, the wine accompanied by many people, his uncle let go her but fled. Harry did not care about his uncle at that moment, he wanted to know what happened to Emma, when he acceded to her, and he felt scared, because she was unconscious. He pick her up quickly and take her home to rest. When she woke up, Emma did not know what was happening, she felt bad, but she remembered everything that happened, she cry a lot, she did not want to lose her powers. When she told everything that happened to her mother, she cried a lot and her mother told her that it would help her to get used to living as a normal person. Everything became very difficult for Emma, she felt very weak physically and sentimentally.
He days passed, Emma no longer had her powers. Harry's uncle entered the company to attack him, he had a plan. He planned Emma the kidnapping and he tie her with a bomb. When Harry found out about all this, he looked for it and when he found her, he realized that he was locked inside a warehouse, he could not break the chain that tied the door. Emma was scared, cried a lot and told Harry to leave, to leave her, but he did not leave on the side, he promised that he would stay by her side. Emma was desperate wanted to save him but had no more her powers. Suddenly, a light shone all that place she did not understand what happening, but her ancestors knowing that she would use the powers for good, returned her powers. She came out, broke the door and tied the bomb far away, it looked like a fireworks, many people was very happy when saw the victory. She managed to catch Harry's uncle, they took him prisoner, and besides, at that moment Harry felt very grateful to her.
Years passed, Emma created her own video game, she was the main character of the video game, and she was a powerful girl. He married Harry and his life changed, and from that moment on he was very happy. From that moment, she decided to help those people who were in a conflict, help protect the country.
Resultado de imagen para la poderosa mujer do bong soon dibujos

domingo, 3 de diciembre de 2017

La gastronomia en el Ecuador

La Gastronomia en Ecuador es una varia forma de preparar comidas y bebidas de dicho pais que se ve enriquecida por las aportaciones de las cuatro regiones naturales: costa, sierra, oriente y Galapagos gracias a sus costumbres y tradiciones.

Resultado de imagen para gastronomia del ecuador

Los platos y los postres se preparan con pescados, mariscos, carnes, frutas y hierbas aromáticas variadas. Los nativos de Ecuador suelen referirse a sus platos típicos como “comida criolla”.

Platos principales 
Los platos principales de ecuador se caracterizan por una fuerte presencia de los mariscos y pescados, principalmente porque el pais posee una amplia linea costera capaz de proveer un gran numero de mariscos. El platano, asi como los diferentes maices son ingredientes indispensableas dentro de la cocina ecuadoriana finalmente, en cuanto a las carnes se destacan la carne de res, el pollo, el borrego y el cuy.

Imagen relacionada

miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2017

My Last Shopping.

Name: Noelia Fabiola Peñafiel Pelaez.
Class: 1st IB "A".
Date: Wednesday, October 18th, 2017

My Best Day Of Shopping.

My Last Shopping and my favorite shopping was in vacations when I went to Guayaquil. I went to Guayaquil witn my family and we thinked buy new clothes, things and tour the city.
When we toured the city we found a supermarket so we decided to buy some goodies and other things that we liked. When we entered Supermaxi Market  we bought some cleaning supplies, fruits and lots of junk food for tonight. 

Afterwards, we went to continue touring the city and went to the malecon. We were walking the malecon but hours later we were hungry so the nearest place we found was McDonal's. When we walked in we each ordered what we wanted to eat. my cousins and my brother ordered a Big Mac and I order a sweet BBQ bacon burger on QP bun. My uncles and my mom ate different foods such as chips and ice cream.
After lunch, we went shopping to different stores. We walked into a mall and bought new clothes. I bought new pink t-shirts and black trousers. My mom bought me shoes of the same pink color to match my clothes. My mom knows that I love dresses.So, also, she bought me some of the dresses I like.
Finally to finish this day we went to the cinema we bought popcorn and soda.My mom and I saw Dunkirk and the others saw a horror movie. It was an amazing day as we saw and we bought many things from Guayaquil and we were able to enjoy in family.

martes, 2 de mayo de 2017


                                            El Telescopio 

Se denomina telescopio (del prefijo tele- y el sufijo -scopio, y estos del prefijo griego τηλε- [tele-], ‘lejos’, y la raíz griega σκοπ- [skop-], ‘ver’) al instrumento óptico que permite observar objetos lejanos con mucho más detalle que a simple vista al captar radiación electromagnética, tal como la luz. Es una herramienta fundamental en astronomía, y cada desarrollo o perfeccionamiento de este instrumento ha permitido avances en nuestra comprensión del Universo. (Sánchez & Cuevas, 2009)
Gracias al telescopio desde que Galileo Galilei en 1610 lo usó para mirar la Luna, el planeta Júpiter y las estrellas el ser humano pudo, por fin, empezar a conocer la verdadera naturaleza de los cuerpos celestes que nos rodean y nuestra ubicación en el universo.

Un telescopio es básicamente un instrumento óptico que recoge cierta cantidad de luz y la concentra en un punto. La cantidad de luz colectada por el instrumento depende fundamentalmente de la apertura del mismo (el diámetro del objetivo). Para visualizar las imágenes se utilizan los oculares, los cuales se disponen en el punto donde la luz es concentrada por el objetivo, el plano focal. Son los oculares los que proporcionan los aumentos al telescopio: al intercambiar oculares se obtienen diferentes aumentos con el mismo instrumento.
La idea principal en un telescopio astronómico es la captación de la mayor cantidad de luz posible, necesaria para poder observar objetos de bajo brillo, así como para obtener imágenes nítidas y definidas, necesarias por ejemplo para observar detalles finos en planetas y separar estrellas dobles cerradas. (AstronomíaSur, 2017)
Los telescopios REFRACTORES utilizan una lente convexa (lente objetivo) en la entrada de luz del tubo, que refracta los rayos de luz concentrándolos y alineándolos hacia el final del tubo, donde se encuentra la salida ocular, que es el lugar donde colocamos los lentes oculares. Son ideales para la observación terrestre, de la luna, planetas y, en general, para los cuerpos más luminosos del cielo.
 Los telescopios REFLECTORES no tienen lente objetivo y utilizan un espejo en el fondo del tubo que concentra la luz y la devuelve al espejo diagonal situado en la entrada de luz, el cual a su vez desvía la imagen hacia el tubo de salida ocular. Son ideales para la observación de objetos difusos, nebulosas, galaxias, etc.
Los telescopios CATADIÓPTRICOS cuentan con un sistema óptico que utiliza una combinación de espejos y lentes con el fin de mejorar la calidad de la imagen. Son ideales para cualquier tipo de observación y en especial para la astrofotografía.

  • ·        AstronomíaSur. (07 de 03 de 2017). Telescopio . Obtenido de Tipos telescopios:
  • ·         Sánchez, B., & Cuevas. (2009). El telescopio y su historia. Salvador: Ciencias95.

domingo, 30 de abril de 2017


El termómetro es un instrumento que consta de un bulbo de vidrio, incluye un pequeño tubo capilar que contiene mercurio u otro elemento con alto coeficiente de dilatación que permite medir la temperatura sobre una escala graduada.

Historia del termómetro

En 1592 Galileo Galilei invento el termoscopio, este dispositivo estaba compuesto por una bola de vidrio hueca y un tubo soldado hacia ella y permitía medir los cambios de temperatura  a partir de la contracción y dilatación de una masa de aire  pero no llevaba una escala   y presentaba el problema de la  presión atmosférica.

En 1611 Santorio Santorio   incorporo al instrumento   de galileo una escala este fue el primer termómetro de aire que tenía poca precisión debido a los efectos del cambio de la presión para medir   la temperatura con mayores altitudes.

En 1654 el duque Toscana Fernando construyo el primer termómetro de vidrio con alcohol pero no era muy preciso y no utilizaba las medidas estándar

En 1714 Gabriel Fahrenheit construyo el termómetro de mercurio cuya dilatación por el cambio de temperatura era mucho más preciso
En 1742 Anders Celsius propuso que la ebullición del agua fuera a 0 grados y su congelamiento a 100

En 1848 Lord kelvin propuso la escala absoluta de temperatura donde los 0 grados son la temperatura más baja que pueda tener un cuerpo definiendo de un grado kelvin a un grado Celsius  

Termómetros Antes 

 Termómetros Ahora 

Para mayor  información revisa el siguiente vídeo 

Tipos de termómetros

Termómetro de Mercurio: toma la temperatura del aire sin que la medición de esta se vea afectada por un objeto que irradia el calor.

Pirómetro: Se utiliza para medir temperaturas altas, es utilizado en lugares donde las temperaturas son muy elevadas.
Termómetro de gas : mide la temperatura por la variación del volumen o de la presión del gas
Termómetro con lámina bimetálica  : determina la temperatura del desigual coeficiente de dilatación de las dos láminas metálicas unidas
Termómetro de resistencia :tiene un alambre de platino cuya resistencia eléctrica cambia según la temperatura
Termopar: miden la temperatura de manera muy veloz, se utilizan en laboratorios. Miden la temperatura a través de una resistencia eléctrica
Termómetro de globo :  
mide la temperatura radiante. Tiene el bulbo dentro de una esfera. , se encarga de absorber la radiación de los elementos que y que sean calientes
Termómetro de bulbo húmedo  :  Mide el influjo de la humedad en la sensación térmica.
Termometro  Digital.: Utiliza dispositivos transductores en los que se presentan variaciones de tensión cuando cambia la temperatura. Estas variaciones de tensión aparecen electrónicamente en la pantalla
Termómetro de máximas y mínimas : utilizado en la meteorología para saber la más alta y la más baja temperatura del día


El termómetro es de suma importancia  en la vida de las personas  ya  que este  detecta fácilmente el grado de temperatura o fiebre que tiene una persona  cuando se encuentra enferma esto ayuda  a prevenir muchas enfermedades  que se dan cuando  la persona  esta en exceso de temperatura corporal .


Merino, J. P. (2010). Definición de Termómetro . Obtenido de Definición de Termómetro : http://definición de /termómetro/

Zans, E. ((s/f)). Termometro. Obtenido de Termometro :

 Anonimo. ((s/f)). Tipos de Termometros. Obtenido de Tipos de Termometros:  B            

Mermies, N. (31 de Agosto de 2013). Trabajo De Fisica (El Termometro). Obtenido de Trabajo De Fisica (El Termometro):

 (Merino, 2010)